*** DON'T LOSE YOUR DATA ANYMORE *** One of our specialty services (available at normal prices) is where we can FRESHLY reinstall your windows operating system with all drivers, and with all your data on a PC or laptop WITHOUT losing all your data. This means you can keep your e-mail, address books, documents and we can even re-setup all your internet settings, profiles, and make the computer look as close as possible to the way it was before you brought it to us (with all your problems fixed of course). Most places just wipe the computer and you lose everything but we actually spend the time to backup everything possible so you don't lose all that hard work and time. Trust us to do it right because we care about your data even if it is one document or thousands. Also, if you don't have your own protection we can put on free antivirus and spyware removal software along with some helpful and necessary programs. We will also preload many popular programs like Adobe Acrobat Reader for reading .PDF files, WinRar for managing .ZIP and .RAR compressed files and much more. We'll also install all Service Packs and updates from Microsoft and show you how to update your antivirus and Windows if needed). We can further tweak your system to meet YOUR needs as you see fit. |
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